What Should I Do If My Dog Eats the Halloween Candy?

Halloween candy and dogs can be tricky. It can be hard for our dogs to see us snacking on these sweet treats. That may lead them to raid the bag of candy when you aren’t looking. So, what do you do if your dog eats Halloween candy?

The first thing to do is call your vet as soon as you’ve realized that your dog has ingested chocolate. They will have an expert opinion that takes in consideration the amount and type of chocolate plus the size and age of your dog. Meaning a larger, younger dog may be less affected than a smaller, older dog that eats the exact same amount and type of chocolate. Dark chocolate is the worst for dogs.

Your vet will often ask if your dog has already vomited up the chocolate because they often purge the toxin on their own. If they haven’t expelled the chocolate yet, your vet may recommend using hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. The usual amount prescribed is 1 tablespoon for every 20 pounds.

What are symptoms of chocolate toxicity?

  • Pacing
  • Panting
  • Too much energy
  • Extreme thirst
  • Diarrhea
  • Shaking
  • Seizures

The sooner the treatment, the faster they will get better. Chocolate is chocked full of stimulants that can affect your dog for a few days.


What about other non-chocolate candy?

The most dangerous candy other than chocolate that your dog can eat contain artificial sweeteners, raisins, or macadamia nuts. If these are ingested by your pet, contact a veterinarian or animal poison control immediately.


Dangers of Xylitol

The artificial sweetener xylitol is highly toxic to dogs and cats. Sugar-free gum and other “low calorie” foods frequently contain xylitol. Ingestion of xylitol can lead to low blood sugar, seizures, and/or liver failure.


Full sugar candy:

If your dog eats sugary candy like candy corn, jolly ranchers, starburst, smarties, etc it is not as bad. However, it still does depend on the amount. They shouldn’t have more than 10g of sugar and one jolly rancher has about 6g. Meaning, if your dog went to town on some sugary candy you should still contact your vet to be on the safe side.

Always make sure that your Halloween candy is put away on a top shelf where your dog can not reach. Also, do this with any food that is sweetened with Xylitol. It’s not so much that dogs have a sweet tooth, it’s more that they will eat anything and everything they see. That’s why it’s best to leave toxic foods in a safe place away from your dog.

Halloween and candy go hand in hand, but no one wants to end up in at the emergency animal hospital. Make sure to watch your dog around the candy and let your kids know the dangers of feeding the dog candy. Some kids love to share with dogs and don’t always understand the dangers. And never hesitate to contact the vet, it is always better to be safe than sorry.